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Our Products

Lean manufacturing is the application of the principles of the powerful and extremely successful Toyota Production System (click here for more details)

Designing and managing your culture is the key to your long term success (click here for more details)

Leadership is the key to the success to any cultural transformation.  It is the litmus test, with leadership you have a fighting chance of success.  Without it you will fail.  Simple, straightforward. (click here for more details).

Engaged employees are more than just hard-working, nose to the grindstone workers.  (Click on Employee Engagement for more details)

Although they sound similar, these are four distinct and different skills sets which we not only practice but we will also teach you how to fully utilize all four. (Click here for more details).

We have created many training programs and we can customize whatever you are looking for.  We however, have listed some of your more popular educational classes for your perusal.

Six Sigma is a project-based, problem solving initiative which uses basic as well as powerful statistical methods to solve business problems and drive money to the bottom of the line of the business. (Click here for more details).

We can speak at your events, large and small.  And if you wish to have demonstrations or interactive workshops. 

Call us for price and availability.

Special Projects

We always have some “Special Projects” underway.  These projects are usually focused applications of lean manufacturing in which we have some very special and unique contributions to make to our clients.  Because we have extensive experience in these fields, this knowledge and these skills are not enjoyed by the rest of the lean consulting community.  Keep your eye on this location as they may change from time to time.


                                        * EPP

                                        * Lean Manufacturing Applications in the Oil Industry, Especially Refining

To buy one of our books directly from Amazon or read a summary or review, click on Our Books.

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